mail ministries
Literature distribution
God often uses “jail time” to draw inmates closer to Him. Chaplains from all across the country send requests for assistance in supplying chapel libraries with Bibles and Christian literature. Likewise, inmates write us asking for a Bible and any resource that would benefit them.
The Literature Distribution ministry has excelled since the COVID pandemic, having been positioned to minister via the mail to inmates who were facing a new type of lockdown and quarantine. A lockdown that affected family visits and volunteer programming. PFC has pivoted efforts to procure only quality resources specifically with the needs of inmates in mind. Please visit our Resource pages for Inmates or Chaplains to see the resource collection.
Our Bible Study Correspondence School (BCS) is a ministry that serves approximately 2,300 inmates who wish to learn more about God and His Word. This Bible-based curriculum increases in difficulty over 16 Units and 130 Lessons. Teams of PFC Volunteers review each lesson and write encouraging comments in each lesson. They include a short prayer at the end asking a blessing over the student. Then the reviewed lesson and the following lesson in the curriculum are mailed to the inmate. For some inmates, this is the ONLY correspondence they have with anyone on the outside, much less anyone who encourages them and speaks life into them. As a sign of their tremendous accomplishment, inmates are sent a Certificate of Completion when they complete each Unit and a gift when they complete the entire curriculum.
The Pen Pal program provides a ministry of friendship, mentoring, and encouragement. It is a vital link to the outside world for many inmates. Quite often, a letter from a Pen Pal is the only contact an inmate will have with anyone on the outside. Writing and receiving a personal letter can sometimes be the last bit of hope that an inmate holds onto. If you are interested in encouraging an inmate and sharing the love of Jesus, being a Pen Pal is a great place to start. We especially need Christian men who are willing to set aside about two hours every month to correspond with a male inmate. The waiting list is always long.
Yard Out is compiled entirely of inmate submissions like art, poetry, and testimonies from all over the United States. Each copy of Yard Out is handled by an estimated five inmates each due to the nature of passing information behind bars. We publish 58,000 copies three times a year. That means we have the potential of reaching 870,000 prisoners through Yard Out alone. Our goal is to have inmates encourage other inmates in their faith and give those who aren't Christians an opportunity to choose a life of faith. Click below to view a copy of Yard Out.